Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Reading Notes: Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution (videos)

I liked watching the epified episode videos because even thought the drawings were simple it helped me visualize. just seeing the embodiment of what is going on in the plot of the story really helped me to grasp and follow the story more. it kept me interested.
It’s cool seeing how different people have altered the story and how they tell it differently.

Epified Mahabharata. Image source.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The In-Crowd

Ella had just moved to Jensen Beach, Florida. Her father was beginning a new job, and she was now hundreds of miles from any friend she ever had. Summer’s end was nearing, and she was about to begin the 9th grade at a new school – great. 

The first day of school was here, and Ella was so nervous. She was astonished as her mom pulled up to the front of the building to drop her off. “Mom, I didn’t know it was going to be THIS big…” Her mother sweetly replied, “Sweetie, you can do this! You’re a rockstar.”
"I am a rock star, I am a rock star, I am a rock star," Ella kept repeating to herself in her mind.

She went to her classes, and even made some new friends to sit with at lunch. This was easier than she thought it would be. It wasn’t until the very end of her first day when Ella saw them – the popular girls. She gawked until one of her new friends interjected, “That’s Mandy Mason. She’s the most popular and powerful girl in this school. She’s Senior Class President, she started a ton of the clubs on campus, she’s an honor student, plus she’s captain of the cheer squad.”

Ella went home and told her parents all about her successful first day. She was happy with how it went, and was even a little bit excited for day two. She wanted to be friends with Mandy Mason.

Ella woke up and headed to school with her mom. She walked into school only to be greeted by the school bully.

“Hey new girl. Did you get that outfit from your grandma?” All the others laughed.

Ella began walking away when she saw her. Mandy Mason was walking right up to her.

“Hey girl, don’t worry about them. If you hang around me for a while, they’ll be worshiping you. Come with me.”

“O- Okay… My name is E-“

“Ella Fischer. I know. You’re in grade 9, you’re from California, and you’re a straight A student.”

“H-how do you know all that?” How did she know all that?

“I know everything about the new students! Especially the impressive ones. Now here we are. This is my locker. We meet here after every class period. Can you do that?”

“We?” asked Ella.

Mandy replied, “Our group! Keep up, Ella. Before school, we meet in the girl’s room. Before lunch, we meet by the water fountain. And we do homework together every night.” 

Overwhelmed, Ella said, “Great! I’ll see you at the water fountain for lunch!”

“Fast learner, good work, El,” Mandy said, pleased.

And so it began – her training. Before Ella even knew it, she had gotten in with the cool crowd. It’s like everything she had wished for had come true! Immediately after her encounter with Mandy Mason, Ella was treated completely different. All the senior boys suddenly wanted to talk to her, girls wanted to be her friend, the cheer squad put her on the team. Following Mandy’s rules seemed like a fair price to pay to be popular. But would it all be worth it?

Author's Note
This story is derived from the story of Ekalavya. Ekalavya is a boy who admired and looked up to Drona his whole life. The young boy so badly desired to be Drona's pupil, and was willing to do anything for it. I modernized this story in the context of a high school in Florida. A typical story about a girl moving to a new school, wanting to be popular and fit in with the 'cool crowd.' It's a less dramatic and extreme scenario than in the PDE Mahabharata, but the same concept nonetheless. Ekalavya was truly willing to do anything to be Drona's pupil. Dona once asked Ekalavya for the thumb off his right hand, and Ekalavya did as he was told. In my story, Ella is eager to fit in and follow the lead of Mandy, but she would never cut her thumb off for her. We can all relate to wanting to fit in at some point in our lives, so I thought this would be cool to write about. And although this classifies as a "typical story" and maybe even a cliche, I think the topic is still relevant and completely relatable!! I decided to use a photo from Mean Girls, a movie that I am sure most of you reading have at least heard of. There is not much meanness happening in my story, but it's the same concept of a new girl getting in with a certain group of people! I was not even thinking about Mean Girls as I was writing the story, but as soon I read it over again, I totally saw it.

PDE Mahabharata. Link to reading.

Mean Girls. Image Source: YouTube.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Growth Mindset: The Sleeper

I watched a Growth Mindset video titled "The Sleeper".
I actually teared up while watching it. It was about a professor who taught this class and every class period the same kid would always be sleeping. He talked about how sometimes it made him so angry like "how dare he". Other times he said he felt sad like "nothing I say matters". Then one day the professor asked the kid to go to lunch with him and talk. He asked the kid why he was always sleeping the the kid told him it was because of video games. But the professor learned that not only did he play video games, he invented them and created them.
He thought it was crazy that these intelligent, diligent, hard-working students are seen in a negative light by school systems. So he put the kid in new classes, where he could design and create and do all the things he was so good at without having the lectures. He worked so hard on every single project and succeeded greatly.
That professor never looked at "sleepers" the same way.

I really liked this video. It just proves that you really don't know someone until you take the time to try. All of that student's professors thought he was lazy and maybe even dumb because of the grades he got. But they had no idea how smart and driven he really was... Just not on the things they wanted him to be.

Although in school it is important to learn to grow in more areas than just the ones you succeed in, it is also important to realize that everyone succeeds at different things in life.

Sleeping in Class. Image Source: USnews.

Tech Tip: Canvas Mobile App

I honestly had no idea that there was even an app for Canvas! I downloaded it and logging on was quick and easy. I will for sure be using it on my phone because a lot of times I will get an email that an assignment has been graded, then it's a hassle to log onto canvas through the internet. This tip was very helpful!!

Oh and I have an iPhone!

Story Planning: The Time Has Come

Okay, so I have decided that I want to write a story mirroring the story of Bhishma and his death.

There will be some major differences -

I haven’t decided characters exactly, but I will make it a family or group of friends in the situation. Either a grandmother or a mother or father or brother or friend — someone will be suffering from cancer (type undecided as well). I have in my mind that the doctor has previously told the family that said family member would have only lived a year since they were diagnosed, but it has been 5 years.

Obviously another difference is that this person will not have the choice of when to die like Bhishma did.

But it will be similar in that the individual is ready to go. They are prepared and ready to be in Heaven with God.

It will be similar in that they will be giving advice to their family/friends. (probably have to be a parent or grandparent just to ensure sound and wise advice. a very young adult would not have all the knowledge that an adult would have obviously. and thats a main point of the story is the departure and the valuable things taken from it by the person’s loved ones)

obviously, i do not want to focus on the actual death of the person at all, but I will probably end it with the peaceful passing of the individual, and how everyone felt about it. (which will be sorrowful, but also peaceful and content knowing what an amazing life he/she lived)

My version of the story will be more emotional and connected than the original. I wanted to do a planning post instead of the actual story, because I really want to work hard on this one and make it good. I will probably start working on it this weekend. Usually I dislike writing, but I am actually excited to see what I can do with this!

PDE Mahabharata. Link to reading.

Family. Image Source: TheOdysseyOnline.

I chose this picture because I want my story to be more about love and cherishing family, then focusing on the negative things in life.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata part D

PDE Mahabharata. Link to reading.

arjuna son dies *
bhima’s son dies !!! *
drona’s head cut off, could do something with that. not literal,
i like the description in the scene where Arjuna and Karna meet …
i could make that into a situation where a friend is telling a friend not to do something because there will be consequences.
for some reason when i was reading the part where Duryodhana can stay under water for as long as he wants, I thought of that show I watched as a kid called H2O where the three girls turn into mermaids when they touch water ? lol. i could have fun writing something like that
Ashwatthaman killing the Pandavas while they sleep.. this story is so vengeful and evil kinda
consequences the jewel was taken from ashwatthaman
Bhishma telling everyone how to rule when he dies, mother or father or grandmother or grandfather dying of a disease or cancer, giving their family members advice etc.
not a fan of horse sacrifice
I am pretty sure this is really embarrassing, but I had to look up what a mongoose was…
i could change the animal and the story he told and make it more fun and cute *
the ganges river turned ouija board???????
everyone is dying literally everyone
i really do not like all the bad vibes and evil spirits that are present before Krishna dies, and i don’t think i would be very good at writing a story from that

Duryodhana in the lake. Image source: Blogspot.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata Part C

PDE Mahabharata. Link to reading.

pandanvas in exile
krishna’s visit - debate, modernize into a church setting or family convo
Arjuna in Swarga - journey in new place beautiful, learning, growing,
the pandavas in the himalayas and arjuna meets back with them after his own journey, group of friends lost a friend to something else but found their way back ..?
bhima and hanuman meeting, like long lost brothers or cousins or twins or idk people with some strange unknown connection, modern view
they’re all drinking the water and all dying like what. i could twist this into modern day like when people see someone making a mistake and even after that they still make the same mistake. i could think up multiple situations to fit that
“the voice”
the scene with Draupadi is almost raped is an intense one, but I’m not sure i could write a story about rape, and in this situation, i don’t know what else I would do to change it - i don’t think i would want to change it. so ** no
krishna trying to make peace instead of war when war is inevitable - could modernize, business setting, school, family
arjuna and krishna relationship, change dynamic of it like best friends or siblings or something
krishna and karna !!!!!! ah !
krishna encouraging arjuna to fight ****** would be fun to modernize ** could do a lot with it

Arjuna and Krishna. Image Source: Blogspot.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Famous Last Words: Test Weeks

This week and the coming week are super busy ones for me. I had two major tests last week and now 2 this week! I have been a busy bee studying and keeping up with my classes. I am still playing catch up with this course, but I am definitely making progress! My time managing at the beginning of the semester was not good because of getting sick a bunch, but I am definitely improving and working on getting everything together! :)

I will say, it has been harder for me to really get into our new reading the Mahabharata. I really enjoyed reading PDE Ramayana, and I think I just haven't given Mahabharata a fair chance yet. My goal for this coming week is to really focus in on the reading! I know you don't always enjoy or love every thing you read, but I feel like I can definitely get into it more which in turn will make it easier to interpret and work with for my storytelling.

I am super behind on my project... Which I have been making up points with extra credit because I never know where to start since I am so behind. Another major goal for this week is to start on the project early and figure out how to get caught up or at least start fresh on that.

Test. Image Source: Clipartpanda.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Learning Challenge: Empathy

I watched the video Brene Brown on Empathy, and I loved what she had to say about it. She described empathy as someone who is in a hole saying it's dark and I'm alone, and you physically going into the hole and saying hey, I've been here and you're not alone. I love that.
She said the difference between empathy and sympathy is that empathy drives connection, and sympathy weakens it.
Sympathy is apologizing for something bad that happened to someone, but empathy is being able to understand how someone feels, knowing what it's like to feel they way they're feeling and being able to put yourself on that level to make a connection with them. I knew what empathy and sympathy were before this research, but I didn't realize how important knowing the difference is. It's definitely something I need to focus on in my every day life.

Empathy. Image Source: Buffer.

Tech Tip: Pinterest Board

Here is the link to my Pinterest board "Indian Epics Portfolio"

I love Pinterest! I do not use it very much, but I love pinning fun recipes that I want to try, and also wedding idea pictures!! I think this site is a great way to get new ideas on so many things. Designing, cooking, planning events, gift ideas, etc. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Storytelling: The In-Crowd

Ella had just moved to Jensen Beach, Florida. Her father was beginning a new job, and she was now hundreds of miles from any friend she ever had. Summer’s end was nearing, and she was about to begin the 9th grade at a new school – great.

The first day of school was here, and Ella was so nervous. She was astonished as her mom pulled up to the front of the building to drop her off. “Mom, I didn’t know it was going to be THIS big…” Her mother sweetly replied, “Sweetie, you can do this! You’re a rockstar.”
‘I am a rock star, I am a rock star, I am a rock star’ Ella kept repeating to herself in her mind.

She went to her classes, and even made some new friends to sit with at lunch. This was easier than she thought it would be. It wasn’t until the very end of her first day when Ella saw them – the popular girls. She gawked until one of her new friends interjected, “That’s Mandy Mason. She’s the most popular and powerful girl in this school. She’s senior class President, she started a ton of the clubs on campus, she’s an honor student, plus she’s captain of the cheer squad.”

Ella went home and told her parents all about her successful first day. She was happy with how it went, and was even a little bit excited for day two. She wanted to be friends with Mandy Mason.

Ella wakes up and heads to school with her mom. She walks into school only to be greeted by the school bully.

“Hey new girl. Did you get that outfit from your grandma?” All the others laughed.

Ella began walking away when she saw her. Mandy Mason was walking right up to her.

“Hey girl, don’t worry about them. If you hang around me for a while, they’ll be worshiping you. Come with me.”

“O- Okay… My name is E-“

“Ella Fischer. I know. You’re in grade 9, you’re from California, and you’re a straight A student.”

“H-how do you know all that?” How did she know all that?

“I know everything about the new students! Especially the impressive ones. Now here we are. This is my locker. We meet here after every class period. Can you do that?”

“We?” asked Ella.

Mandy replied, “Our group! Keep up Ella. Before school, we meet in the girl’s room. Before lunch, we meet by the water fountain. And we do homework together every night.”

Overwhelmed, Ella said “Great! I’ll see you at the water fountain for lunch!”

“Fast learner, good work El.” Mandy said pleased.

And so it began – her training. Before Ella even knew it, she had gotten in with the cool crowd. It’s like everything she had wished for had come true! Immediately after her encounter with Mandy Mason, Ella was treated completely different. All the senior boys suddenly wanted to talk to her, girls wanted to be her friend, the cheer squad put her on the team. Following Mandy’s rules seemed like a fair price to pay to be popular. But would it all be worth it?

Author's Note
This story is derived from Ekalavya from PDE Mahabharata. Ekalavya is a boy who so badly desired to be Drona's pupil, and is willing to do anything for it. I modernized this story in the context of a high school. A typical story about a girl moving to a new school, wanting to be popular. And although this classifies as a "typical story" I think the topic is still relevant, and completely relatable!! To anyone on either side of this story. 

PDE Mahabharata. Link to reading.

Mean girls. Image source: Shankman.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata

PDE Mahabharata. Link to Reading.

why is everything made of wood (material that can burn)? *** research (obviously its to burn, but I’ve heard this multiple times in the story, like was this a common thing?)
ahhh everyone thought it was Kunti and her sons who burned but really it was the homeless beggars, and so Duryodhana and Dhritarashtra thought their plan worked but they thought wrong i could change this and modernize it for sure
i love the detail and description in the part about Bhima and Hidimba, but I don’t want to write about it because it is written so beautifully, I just know I wouldn’t be happy with anything I wrote (lol)
Bhima was so quick to take the rakshasa as his wife, I could write about a take on that like a high school girl falling for a guy too quick and then getting hurt
another swayamwara
woah the five husbands thing - i would need to think of some way to modernize it but not sure how
i could focus on Arjuna breaking the rules of the marriage and having to go into exile. show how having multiple relationships is too complicated
story about the alligator (fairy)
Maya’s palace drama, jealousy, I could make so many situations to change this!
excited to read the next part because there will be more drama. revenge

Duryodhana in Pandavas' palace. Image source: Blogspot.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Reading Notes: PDE Mahabharata

PDE Mahabharata. Link to reading.

I like the story of Devavrata and how he came to be divine
I also like the part where Bhishma goes to battle for the 3 princesses, I just don’t know what I would do with it like how I would change it I would have to brainstorm
i could definitely work with the scene where the Great God tells Amba she must slain Bhishma I like how empowered she is in this scene
I love the story of Karna’s birth and how he came to be found and adopted as of now this is my favorite part
:( Drupada was so mean to Drona it actually made me sad
but I could see myself writing this part of the story in a much more modern and relatable way! **** consider
the story of ekalavya is relatable, could relate it to like a kid in school wanting to get in with the cool kids, or a person wanting a job thats out of their league, or a kid wanting to do something with his friends but his parent won’t let him??
ooooo so Karna comes back to the tournament and he doesn’t know that he has a brother or that Kunti is his mom (drama!!!!)
gosh the drama between Drona and Drupada is intense and said I hate how Drona is making his little puppy dog Ekalavya get his revenge for him… but i could twist it or just add my own stuff
“let the house be filled with only wooden furniture and let the furniture be soaked in oil, so that they may readily burn” ah, evil.

Ekalavya. Image source: Blogspot.

Famous Last Words: Getting Caught Up

Valentines Day. Image Source.

This week I finished all parts of the Public Domain Ramayana. I have been behind, and am still behind in this course due to reasons I posted about last week! So I am really working on getting caught up. I am hoping to be completely caught up by the end of this week.

I did my storytelling post as a planning post about the story of the two bird brothers, and I am actually excited to complete my own take on it this week! I think I will be able to do a lot with it.

I enjoyed reading other people’s work this weekend. I haven’t read a story I didn’t like, everyone is so creative! It’s fun seeing what everyone has to say.

Just as in this class, I am playing catch up in my other classes. I have a calc 2 test this week I am super nervous for so I am definitely focusing on that a lot as well. It’s Valentines Day tomorrow which makes me so happy! I actually recently just went through a break up with a boy I had been with for a long time. (Boo). But I am still so excited for V-day. I can’t wait to cuddle with my roomie and friends, and watch romance movies and eat cookies! I have always loved Valentines day, whether I spent it alone or with someone. Valentines doesn’t have to be about romance, just love in general! <3

So I hope to be on track in this class by the end of this week, certainly by next week! I have mapped out my week so that I can dedicate the time needed to this course to complete all the work and extra credit too! The set up of this class is so helpful and structured, so I think that I will be able to catch up with few issues!

An Unlikely Friendship

Fawn and Tiger. Photo: Web Source.
One early morning a young fawn goes out to graze on grass for breakfast. The same morning, a little tiger goes out to find some breakfast of his own.
As the fawn wanders around fields looking for luscious grass, she sees the little tiger watching her close. She says “hello little tiger! come over to me.” and over came the little tiger. As the little tiger approaches, fawn has no fear. She exclaims “oh little tiger, your stripes are so pretty!” and little tiger replies “so are your spots.”
The little tiger knows that a fawn would be a delicious breakfast, but he is intrigued by her kindness and fearlessness.
“Oh won’t you come search for sweet grass with me, then we can eat together little tiger!”
The two wander the field until the fawn finds the grass she wants to eat, but the little tiger says “Fawn, I am sorry, but I just don’t like to eat grass.”
The fawn says “Oh little tiger don’t fret, I will find you something to eat.”
The fawn trots back to her home, where she asks her mother what she could giver her new friend to eat. Her mother says frantically “Sweetie, tigers are not our friends. You mustn’t go back to see the little tiger, for your life will be in danger.”
But the fawn said “No momma, this tiger is kind. He wouldn’t eat me!”
Concerned, the fawn’s mother tells her “Baby, I know you would love to have a new tiger friend, but you see… Tigers eat fawn’s. They are dangerous predators."
The fawn gathered some berries, and got ready to leave, but her mother just wouldn’t let her go. Just as fawn sets the berries down, there is a knock at the door. Mother opens the door to see a little tiger patiently waiting.
The fawn says “Little tiger! Look here, I have you some fresh picked berries!”
“Berries sound delicious fawn, may I come in to eat them with you?” says the little tiger.
Mother replies hesitantly, “Only if it is the berries you truly wish to eat…”
Little tiger politely says “Oh yes ma’am fawn!"
The little tiger then joined the fawn and her mother for breakfast consisting of fresh berries. He enjoyed them greatly, and even had seconds. And every day after that day, the fawn and the tiger ate breakfast together.

Authors Note
The Fawn and The Little Tiger
The fable begins similar to my story, with the fawn and the little tiger searching for breakfast. The tiger refuses to eat the grass, so the fawn goes home to find him something. The fawn’s mother tells how lucky she was to escape the tiger’s presence alive, and how tigers are the most dangerous predators in the wild. The fawn then trembles in fear of what could have happened if she went back to the tiger. I basically kept the ideas from the first part of the story, but changed the ending by making the friendship between the fawn and the little tiger continue.

“The Fawn and The Little Tiger” from Indian Fables by Ramaswami Raju. Web source.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Story Planning: Bird Brotherhood

i could make some changes to the scene where rama kills valid and helps sugriva. i kind of just want to change like the dynamic of the whole thing. maybe have rama kill vali in a different way so that his relationship with sugriva could be different

change meaning of “mahamatras” to the officials of the cat kingdom instead of monkeys
i like how tara refers to her husband as her hero thats cute
i think I would keep those gender roles the same even though in my story rama is a girl
i could make “the rainy season” super dramatic and make Rama go in to the kingdom even though he is not supposed to, plus it is the rainy season. I could make something dramatic happen when he enters
“armies of cats” … haha. I could make them all big cats! (not house cats) like panthers and/or tigers and/or lions and/or jaguars.
i could have the king of cats and king of mice instead of monkeys and bears. a little different vibe, but it would be cute
i will keep jatayu a bird because that makes sense he’s like a messenger bird and comes to tell them they are going in the right direction
i love the story of the birds and Sampati’s wings and how they got burnt, so i might really want to focus on that and change it up a little
i also like the part of Hanuman’s Leap. i could do a lot with that
also… hanuman and sita meeting
Ravana sets Hanuman’s tail on fire :-(
I like how Vibhishana leaves Ravana to ally with Rama

My favorite parts of this section were the story about the bird’s wings and how the bird himself told the story about how it happened and everything, and also Hanuman’s leap and him encountering the demon. I think I could do a lot with these stories

I want to focus on Sampati and Jatayu and how Sampati hurt his wings.
I might change the story and make something else cause the trouble …
like another bird flew into the brothers, and Sampati broke his wings diving to save him. also, I might make them a different kind of bird than a vulture… I don’t like vultures.

Sampati. Image Source: Blogspot.

Public Domain Ramayana. Link to text.

Reading Notes: Public Domain Ramayana Part D

Public Domain Ramayana. Link to text.

a number of sections tell the story of the battle and what’s going on during all of that, but this particular part isn’t sticking out to me
i like drama. so i could use the part where Ravana convinces Sita that Rama is dead, and then his son tries to do the same to Rama about Sita and expand on it
I like the part when Ravana is seeking revenge and almost kills Lakshmana, but then he is healed. I would keep the general plot of it, but change minor details
i love the scene of Ravana’s death with the flaming weapon in his heart the imagery and description is really cool, so I could use this
i don’t think i want to focus on Ravana’s funeral though
wow I did not see that coming… Rama breaking up with Sita that was surprising and kind of sad
I like how Sita wants to like prove herself though and is not just letting Rama decide her self worth
i could focus on the reuniting of Rama and Bharata because of how close they were and because of Bharata had said about killing himself if Rama did not return after his exile.
another plot twist Rama sending Sita into exile
and seemingly for no reason at all?
I could definitely focus on the departure of Sita then Lakshmana going to heaven and then Rama leaving also, but I am not sure what I would want to do with it…

I’m thinking I could focus on the part when Ravana attempts to kill Lakshmana and fails, and then Ravana is killed because I feel like I can do a lot with the plot and details.

Battle. Image source: Blogspot.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Reading Notes: Public Domain Ramayana Part C

Public Domain Ramayana. Link to reading.

i might change the king of monkeys to be the king of cats :-)
i could make some changes to the scene where rama kills valid and helps sugriva. i kind of just want to change like the dynamic of the whole thing. maybe have rama kill vali in a different way so that his relationship with sugriva could be different
change meaning of “mahamatras” to the officials of the cat kingdom instead of monkeys
i like how tara refers to her husband as her hero thats cute
i think I would keep those gender roles the same even though in my story rama is a girl
i could make “the rainy season” super dramatic and make Rama go in to the kingdom even though he is not supposed to, plus it is the rainy season. I could make something dramatic happen when he enters
“armies of cats” … haha. I could make them all big cats! (not house cats) like panthers and/or tigers and/or lions and/or jaguars.
i could have the king of cats and king of mice instead of monkeys and bears. a little different vibe, but it would be cute
i will keep jatayu a bird because that makes sense he’s like a messenger bird and comes to tell them they are going in the right direction
i love the story of the birds and Sampati’s wings and how they got burnt, so i might really want to focus on that and change it up a little
i also like the part of Hanuman’s Leap. i could do a lot with that
also… hanuman and sita meeting
Ravana sets Hanuman’s tail on fire :-(
I like how Vibhishana leaves Ravana to ally with Rama

My favorite parts of this section were the story about the bird’s wings and how the bird himself told the story about how it happened and everything, and also Hanuman’s leap and him encountering the demon. I think I could do a lot with these stories

Hanuman and the rakshasi. Image source: Blogspot.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Famous Last Words: Surviving Sickness

Okay... So just a little background on my week... Well the first week of classes I ended up in the hospital (for an unknown reason because of abdominal pains). Ever since then, I can't seem to get rid of viruses!
First of all, I never get sick. I am one of the healthiest people you'll meet! But this week I felt bad one day, woke up the next day with a horrible stomach flu. The day after that I woke up with no voice at all! Now it has moved down into my chest into a chest cold...
Needless to say the last couple weeks have been rough, and I have actually fallen behind on this course. I am working on planning out my weeks so that I can get fully caught up on everything.
My reading this past week went well I got some good ideas and enjoyed the stories, but never got to write my own story or complete the second part of the writing. This week is definitely going to be a game of catch up in all my classes. And not the fun kind of game...

One of my favorite parts of this course is getting to read other people's writing. I have never been good at writing, but it's so fascinating to me! I love seeing other people's creativity because I have very little of it! Haha. It is cool how every one has different emotional connections to different things and stories so all the ways that we make ties to create new stories in this process makes every one of our stories so unique and original.

I am excited to get back on track and caught up so that I can really focus on all this course has to offer!
Sick Puppy. Image Source: Clipartfest.