Thursday, February 23, 2017

Growth Mindset: The Sleeper

I watched a Growth Mindset video titled "The Sleeper".
I actually teared up while watching it. It was about a professor who taught this class and every class period the same kid would always be sleeping. He talked about how sometimes it made him so angry like "how dare he". Other times he said he felt sad like "nothing I say matters". Then one day the professor asked the kid to go to lunch with him and talk. He asked the kid why he was always sleeping the the kid told him it was because of video games. But the professor learned that not only did he play video games, he invented them and created them.
He thought it was crazy that these intelligent, diligent, hard-working students are seen in a negative light by school systems. So he put the kid in new classes, where he could design and create and do all the things he was so good at without having the lectures. He worked so hard on every single project and succeeded greatly.
That professor never looked at "sleepers" the same way.

I really liked this video. It just proves that you really don't know someone until you take the time to try. All of that student's professors thought he was lazy and maybe even dumb because of the grades he got. But they had no idea how smart and driven he really was... Just not on the things they wanted him to be.

Although in school it is important to learn to grow in more areas than just the ones you succeed in, it is also important to realize that everyone succeeds at different things in life.

Sleeping in Class. Image Source: USnews.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma! I just wanted to say that I am so glad you watched that video. Michael Wesch has been such a big inspiration to me for many years now because he is always sharing the new things he is learning and discovering in his work. He has another video at YouTube that went viral, and it's still really fun to watch (it's ten years old now, which is ancient in YouTube time); I can't remember if I included this one in the class announcements this semester yet or not, but anyway, it is so cool:
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